
Site Specific Training 

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Pool Safety Operating Procedure

Where can you find a copy of the most up to date NOP, EAP and risk assessments?
Where is the fire evacuation point at Abbots Hill School?
Where is the Defibrillator situated at Abbots Hill School?
Where is the First Aid Kit located at Abbots Hill School?
What lifesaving qualification is required for all swimming teachers at Abbots Hill School?
How often should swimming teachers that hold a NRASTC qualification attend training and how often must the qualification be renewed?
How many places is rescue equipment meant to be stored around the pool according to the Diagram in the Abbots Hill PSOP (Page 36)?
What is the Defib access code at Abbots Hill School?


By signing this questionnaire, I agree that I have read and understood the sites Normal Operating Plan, Emergency Action Plan and Risk Assessment for the sites I currently work at. I will always adhere to them whilst at work and If I have any questions I will ask the Poolside Manager.
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